Sayang Sama Cucu

Sayang Sama Cucu
Saya sama Cucu-cucu: Ian dan Kaila


Indonesia Tanah Air Beta, Pusaka Abadi nan Jaya, Indonesia tempatku mengabdikan ilmuku, tempat berlindung di hari Tua, Sampai akhir menutup mata

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My Family, keluargaku bersama mengarungi samudra kehidupan

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Bersama cucu di Bogor, santai dulu refreshing mind

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Olah raga Yoga baik untuk mind body and soul

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Tanah Air Kita Bangsa Indonesia yang hidup di khatulistiwa ini adalah karunia Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang harus senantiasa kita lestarikan

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Cucu-cucuku, menantu-menantu dan anakku yang ragil

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Jenis tanaman apa saja bisa membuat mata, hati dan pikiran kita sejuk

Rabu, 28 Januari 2015


THE BITTERIST SUGAR, WAS FOUND IN THE HISTORY OF JAVA ISLAND. Most European, consider that sweetnes of sugar, gave their adorable food named delicatessen. These kind of luxury foods became an increasing demand of their mercantiles society and the nobelities. Their economy was booming since the booming of industrializations, included the indispensable alcoholic beverages, rum and genever. Dutch East Indian Company ( VOC ) of course gladly met these demands. The sole logical source of sugar or sucrose of course was the tropical sugar cane ( cross bread between species Saccharums , for instant between Saccharum spontaneum L x Saccharum sinense.Rosb etc. The Dutch VOC noted that after the war of Java (1830) the Company and the Dutch Government were almost bankrupt. The separation of Netherland and Belgium, also occurred in this period of time, when the Dutch lost its most of industrialized area. The Dutch Governor General Van Den Bosch create a “cultuurstelsel” ( 1830 -1870) means to force peasantry to grow demanded produces by European market , especially sugar. This Company was owned by the Crown of Dutch Kingdom and consequently took over all the land in Java island which formerly belong to the subdued Javanese Kingdom. These encroachment was done since one and a half millineun before, mostly by “devide et impera” policies amongst the Javanese nobelities. For examples: These sly traders lured local princes by gifts and bribes of lavish European product of luxuries especially fine woolen fabric materials to make a kingly garbs in exchange of special right in stock piling spices monopoly. These fabrics were adored by nobelities because it was warm in rainy seasons and cozy in humid hot seasons, strong and rigid enough to hang golden and silver  star medal or honours  ornaments. No wonder , believe it or not, the one of Javanese Sultan loved to wear a used admiral’s coat of honour presented to him, which may be the Dutch got it from the boarded by force the Spain galleon. He was called by his subjects the Sultan Amangkurat Amral, meaned Amangkurat the Admiral, although he was loosing sultanate lands to the Dutch VOC, and had no navy at all. Van Der Capellen was appointed as successor of Van Den Bosch and under this Governor General the forced planting of sugar cane dubbed as Cultuurstelsel was in full swing in new area of fast Central Java and East Java low lands, peasants forced to grow sugar cane under the barrel of carbines, I suspect the the troops of Javanese Sultan involved cover enforcement in these fast area, under sultan regents who received the bribes and borrowed carbines, without knowledge of their powerless Sultan. It was happened at the last half of the 18 century. The private sectors of Dutch economy, the traders and capitalists soon bought from the European factories, steam engines to power the huge steel rollers press and steel big tanks as separators and to boil the sugar cane syrup more efficiently. This was time when sugar industries were born and earnestly grew very quick, both in number of refineries and in planting area. These private capitalists used labour of peasantries using their feudal serfdom right which exist long before, during the sultan ruler. Mostly on the building infra structures, such as building dams and spreading irrigation canals – primary- secondary- tertiary canals. Planting and nurturing the field for sixteen months, and harvesting the cane were done by precariously paid peasants, just enough to live subsistently, they lost most of the paddy harvest because they have to spent most of the time to tend the master”s sugar cane, instead of tending their own paddy planting. This era was the time of the bitter sugar in Java Island and actually it was continued until this moment by one or another reason. Actually, this cultuurstelsel which were fundamentally feudalistic monopoly, during its implementations fom time to time had helped the Netherland rapidly devoped to modern rich society, in the colony it was intertwined with a spirit of liberalism in pivate capital’s growth. So, in 1850 -1900 this cultuurstelsel were intertwined private’ capital interest – but both the government monopoly and private capitals enjoyed cozyly the spirit of feudalism in the fareway Netherlands Indie in every aspect of colonial life and economy, Rice became scarce, famine was imminent and spread fastly. Due to the fashions in accordance to liberalism, the Dutch arranged to change the cultuurstelsel with another rule the “etische politiek” which was effective in the year ot 1901, as a gesture to thanks the overworked, overexploited indigenous peasantry. But in the sugar cane fields this fashion was materialized as new arrangement with peasantries involved in sugar cane planting, the Netherland Indie prefer to import rice from Vietnam, Thailan and Cambodia, to feed their peasant workers, they got the wage of 25 cents a day, 7 days a week to buy about 1,5 kg of imported rice which cost much lesser then sugar price in Europe. The sugar cane appointed area ( actually ex paddy growing area during the Sultanate era) was owned by the Government of Netherlands Indie, leased to the sugar campanies cheaply and practically for ever, but it had to be rotated with paddy planting which was tended by “koelis gogol” who were permitted to grow rice once after second year and kept privately the harvest, with a compulsory task to uproot the sugar cane stumps groove of rhizomes after harvesting, to be submitted to the factory for free, to be processed, because it was rich of sucrose also. So at the end of second year a “koeli gogol” was assigned a plot of irrigated land about 3000 meter square to grow rice of his own, every time in defferent irrigated locations and ditched for bordering with neighboring plots. This method of sugar cane planting precisely in accordance with the most labour intensive system of planting and the most high yielding also: the Reynoso system. So in one area of several vilages, there were one thirth just planted sugar cane, one thirth of due to harvest cane’s planting, and just replanted rice field. Ranoso system of planting mean one harvest one planting, another system of planting was ratoon planting that mean several harvest from one planting only depends on the new shoots every one and a half year at end of one sugar cane’s vegetation period cycle. The old and unfit for working in the sugar cane field, old peasant had to return to the factory his position as koeli gogol or to inherit it to his able married son or his place to be given to another younger peasant pair appointed by the factory. The women peasant was needed to plant carefully the cane cutting not to damage the scions. The old and disabled koeli was the burden of peasantries, since the old old time. The price of rice was checked low by the existence of imported rice from Saigon, this local production of rice was cheap and stable enough to feed the upper class of indigenous people in the towns. Towns in Java Island bacame a segragation showcase between the “herenvolks-the Hollanders” against the “inlanders”, the indigenous of Netherlands Indie’s inhabitans. The remaining of these segragation’s showcase in this 20 th. century can be seen lately in South Africa, such as the note in public places and parks: “ Honden en inlanders vorboden toegang” - meaned “The dogs and the indigenous are not allowed to pass in”, absurd and painful. No wonder, after the capitulation of Dutch armed force in less then one single month, the entire Netherlands Indie crumbed down, all the small fries of the Hollanders who trapped in, could not flee out from this colonial heaven, became Nippon captures and interned, no dispised by them indigenous people were willingly to see them. For three years they were interned in concentration camps, miserable and hungry. This bitterness of sugar was continued after the declaration of Indepence of the Republic of Idonesia in 1945, ten years afterward. the remaining refineries which were neglected during the Nippon army for three years, plus occupation of Natherlands Kingdom’s troops five years of the war of independence ( the Dutch called it as politioneele actie – police actions) , because the Nippon occupation army (Nippon Gunseikanbu) only needed much rice to wage the Pacific war. During the Nippon army’ occupation, peasantries helped themselves to grow rice, there are about 1,5 million Ha of these well irrigated lands in Central Java and East Java, encouraged by the occupational ruler ( Nippon Gunseikan), but lately the harvest simply was taken by Nippon or compensated with very low price. Peasants rather quit to grow rice in the next season, because they have no capital anymore, which made the villages higher class trembling by Nippon army retaliation harsh punishment, so these village’s higher class ( the riches, the small ex paymaster and ex foremen of sugar cane plantings, villages’ teacher, wardens of teakwood forresteries and religious heads – mostly of Islamic religion) they took over the cost of rice planting, share cropping with the peasants below them, in the form of harvest share, and to submit the harvest token to the Nippon Hokokai. These new players of rice production, these witty class soon found ways fo bribe the Nippon supervisors, swindling the part of their harvest to the black market in the towns to feed the hungry inhabitant with good price. This was the seed of peasants holocaust years afterward. These class of villages inhabitant who were making profit during the Noppon’s Pasific war , these class continued this profitable practice during the five years Independence war, using the familiar to them Dutch Government owned lands practically it was factories sugar cane planting lands, to grow rice, and fed the whole inhabitant of the towns with good price, and also to feed bands guirilla army for free, they were contributing their merit for fight of independence were’nt they ? Unfortunately, after the fight of police action of Dutch troops ended, and Republic of Indonesia was acknowledged by the Netherlands Government, the sugar cane areas with its first class irrigation system was still practically owned by The Republic of Indonesia as a matter of consequent. Than in President Sukarno era, the Republic insisted to end this colonial practice forever, and create a new agrarian law headed by the name of “UUPA no 5 tahun 1960” (Fundamental Agrarian Law no 5 of the year 1960 ) which uprooted all the rest of feudalism and colonialism in agrarian law of Indonesia. And the unfortunate party was the upper class in the villages, who were living in another District at some distance villages from the plots of sugar cane lands belong to another District. According to one article of this new agrarian law, a person who live in another District, received no redistribution piece of land ex sugar cane area, it was solely to be given to the koeli gogol who live and work in the same district of redistributed sugar cane lands. And there were 1,5 million Ha of these sugar cane lands in Central and East Java, which some parts of it were redistributed to the koeli gogol already by Sukarno regime. Actually that same plot were planted with rice in ten years in row, by somebody form another Disrtrict or from the same District but not registered as koeli gogol according to factories book of records without any lawful right due to the war situations. Many thousand of hectare the sugar cane land in that position. Frictions and resistant were developed horizontally amongst the inhabitants of villages. And they who where loosing the sugar cane’ squatted lands, the illicit selling and buying the right to be a koeli gogol were flocking aound one or another Politcal Parties. This Republic’s founding father, Sukarno, was detestable to US foreign policy, Indonesia was trying build the “non block countries” an organisation whch were palatable enough to the young ex colony counties in the world. These effort was called immoral by John Foster Dulles. Consequently CIA decided to end this forever. Their decisive secret attack was very successful in 1965 by supporting a coup d’ detat of the Army’s leader General Suharto. This General was successfully maintained his rule for 32 years thanks to the supports of villages who got nothing from redistributed sugar cane irrigated field, but on the contrary were loosing the sugar cane’s land to grow rice, making cold steel havocs and butchering the hundred of thousands or millions amongst the receivers of redistributed lands, the majority of peasantries which were just common men of fearful and simple characters , loosing their beloved leader Sukarno, the arden defender of Pak Marhaen. Along with this debacle, Kommunist Party was wiped out by Suharto regime. Tried for treasons in massacred 12 armed forces generals, the whole Sukarno’s followers, the receivers of redistributed land and any social element of progressive believe were accused to be instrument for this treason also, to justify their disapearances, lately due to the international outcry for lawful justice, the remaining of them were exiled in the island of Buru, kept there as prisoners without trial. During this period of horror the rest of Indonesian common people, mothers, were catatonically shocked and numb. The New Orde brushed aside the Fundamental Agrarian Law no 5,1960, of their own reason, only dependent on the local Territorial Commanders which prefer to “peace and order”. The Elites of the Political Parties, which clinged to the lands of sugar cane they acquired by force, were abandoned by Suharto regime, they did not availed the Government subsidies for non food crops, General Suharto prefered to embrace the more profitable downstream industries, derived the raw marterials made by advanced industrial countries, absorbed the abundance of cheap labour. Modern Agro industries without Government cheap credit and R&D was a nonsense. These Political Parties had no strategic position to reckon with., not in disciplinary members nor in capitals and sciences. So were the destiny of land clinged old fashioned Political Parties in the era of the General Suharto’s New Order.. What about the sugar cane fields ? It was back to the same position as in the 18 th century ago, parts of it belong to the Government enterprises in sugar production, part of it belong tho the personages which worked on it since the japanese occupancy, But the landlordship was coming back, despite the Suharto New Orde effort to create village’s better economy with generous subsidy of fertilizers and pesticides, aided its implementation profoundly by the World Bank, IMF and Asian Developnet Bank, free irrigation cost, thanks to the IRRI green revolution’s paddy verieties, these subsidy was prolonged for 25 years. Multi National Banks prefer to encourage intensifications of agriculture programmes to obtain self supporting foods, overseeing that it was only dependent on loans. The result of these colossal Government’s subsidy practically was going to the daily consumptive peasantry’s life, as better housing, motorcycles, small engined generators, water pumps which were owned by individuals, weared quickly. On the contrary, food crops derived from extensification of agriculture, using fast tropical peatlands on the Sumatra and Kalimantan marshlands, millions hectare of this idle lands, will make foods self supporting last for very long time, making economical strength of this nation, preventing careless using lands cheaply for big mining industries, this was overseen by these multinational banks. And low price of local rice, unpalatable to the big lands owners, for the sake of boosting the low cost of labour intentsives industrial interprises. The price of rice was regulated by the Government Logistic Body (BULOG). This effort could happen because peasants got heavy subsidies in food crops input of planting, so far so good. But to ascertain that no area in the islands outside Java were touched by the Government’s extensification programs of agriculture, for good reasons of big investments. Many Riches go to Haj pilgrimage to Mecca, indicated the welfare of peasantry was improved. Not to be accumulated in the form of modern farming hard ware investments, not mentioning cooperative capitals. It was noticeable, to everybody’s delight that Islamic teaching superficially were very much improving on the formal sides. But its strength in jihad was fashionable with multi meanings, it was backfired afterward. But the winner took all. At last the sugar cane planting was considered unfeasible in technically irrigated area as it was years ago, new IRRI xoltivars of rice with sorter vegetation periods and its locally cossbred rice were the most profitable crops plus secondary crops after harvesting, as soybean, mung bean, tobacco or chilli. After rice, as secondary crops mentioned, were better rather than more then 14 month of single sugar cane’ long period of vegetation. Form now on sugar cane is planted in unirrigated area , new refineries are building in Lampung Sumatra, South Sulawesi, using ratooned system of planting. All the same, private Chinese Owned companies practices ex- territorial rule in their assigned area, Government enterprises assigned large plots for sugar cane’s planting, hopelessly were overburdened by mark up spending on investments, each was full of corruption holes during its productions, using as much as possible machanizations, frequented by agrarian conflicts with local neighboring peasantry, because heavy mechanisations of agriculture were not for them. Sugar, to the peasantry in this country is still bitter indeed, the bitterist in the world*)

Senin, 12 Januari 2015


KARYA PITHECANTHROPUS ERECTUS YANG TERHEBAT SESUDAH MEMBUAT API KEMUDIAN MELEBUR LOGAM ADALAH MEMINTAL SERAT ALAMI, MENENUNNYA. KEMUDIAN HOMO SAPIENT MENENUN BATU DAN LOGAM LANGKA. Bung Karno founding father bangsa kita, pernah bercerita, bahwa ketika beliau berkunjung muhibah ke Korea dipamerkan kepada beliau technology yang baru didalami oleh bangsa Korea adalah menenun batu dan memintal dan menenun logam, lama sekali kata-kata itu saya ingat. Dari semula kita tahu bahwa bangsa Korea ini piawai dengan kepandaian memintal dan menenun sutra (dari ulat sutera Bambuch mandarina) dan kapas (Gossypium spp) dari bangsa China berbarengan dengan bangsa Jepang dan mulai medalami kepandaian ini ribuan tahun yang lalu hampir bersamaan. Bahkan begitu piawainya konon mereka telah berhasil membuat cangkir teh yang istimewa dari tenunan sutra dan laquer, menganyam baju zirah tali sutera dengan lempengan logam yang enteng namun sangat kuat. To honor the readers of my Blog, who are English speaking, I try to translate this article in English. This is time consuming and difficult, but at least to avoid the translation of machines which sometime loss the context of this article. THE MOST IMPORTANT CREATION OF OUR ANCESTORS , PITHECANTHROPUS ERECTUS AFTER DISCOVERING TO TEND FIRE AND TO SMELT METALS, TO SPIN NATURAL FIBERS AND WEAVING FABRICS OF IT. THAN THEIR DESCENDENT , HOMO SAPIENT WERE CONTINUING THIS ABILITY TO WEAVE ROCK- STEEL ROD AND MAKING DRAMS WEAVING SEMI CONDUCTORS TO CONSTRUCT SUPER COMPUTERS. The founding father of our nation, Bung Karno, once told us, when he visited Korea presumably the South Korea, he was proudly told that this country’s research and development of sciences are learning hard new technologies to weave rock and steel rod ( pre stressed steel concrete block) and weave tiny thread of rare metals. I always remember, and I was amazed of this remark for more that 50 years. Than recently after 50 years, suddenly I am inspired by this long unfogoten remark. Indeed this nation was learning to spin and weave silk at the same time with the Japanese from the Chinese, thousand years ago. They were keen in this trade, they were able to make a tea cup from woven silk and lackuer, they were making the war’s protecting garbs/ harness by woven metal chips with silk threat, strong and light Why our founding father was so impressed, and tell us the youngsters this Korean piece of remark ? Fifty years afterward I am intriged to express my thought about this, and am trying to share with you. The amazement of our founding father was correct, that since eon years ago all Pithecanthropus erectus inhabitant of this earth were rapidly equipped themselves with tools to survive, making tools were stimulating their brain and their fingers hands/legs abilities to coordinate with their brains, transcendentally up in million years, living close together in harmonious societies to encounter unfriendly climate and beasts, to grow crops of cereals, to domesticate cattles and horses for their use and became Homo sapient. This thinking creature physically became apt to the need of a pair of creature from another dimension of the universe named by somebody of Homo sapient lately the Garden of Eden, this pair who were making mistakes, and to be ousted from there, destined for earth. Of course this pair were made from finer materials from there, and earth was too coarse to them. Our ancestors call them (the spirit) of Adam and Eve. So a pair of Homo sapient which was dwelled by these spirits of Adam and Eva became more sophisticated then Homo sapient in general, easily dominated the nature of earth, able to learn regulating their lusts to obtain worldly matters, therefore whichever Homo sapient not able to cross breed with the descendants of this spirited pair from the God’s garden of Eden, Adam and Eva, were extinct by eon of time. I am a disciple of Biology, I can’t deny the Darwinian theory of evolution which is well supported by intense serious study of scientific world, But I am a Moslem with a tint of Javanese culture. I am in peace with myself because my mind can combine this controversial thought. Controversial pair is always exist, it is the law on worldly nature. Human being is body and spirit ( soul) who can deny it ? ( This enlightenment was given by my teacher in Islam, Mr. Qudratullah from Banten W. Java, a member of Indonesian National Assembly/MPR 1967-1973) Polynesians thousand years ago were sailing cris-cross the tropical Pacific ocean with their catamaran powered by sail of woven pandan leaves (Pandanus) , strong enough to resist saline sea water for months, to power their sail, They gave us in Nusantara archipelagos their culture and varieties of yams and fruits. Apparently to strengthen these sails they used abaca fiber and palm fiber as rope. The Vikings sailed the Atlantic ocean, up to the Greenland and many believed up to Canada, due to their ability to spin short fiber of animals hair/wool, but this short woolen fiber was strong enough if it was spun thick to weave a fabric to propel ships of adequate size only, therefore a Viking sailing ship is light, in proportion with the weight of this sail, not to make this small ship imbalance, the sail will be heavier in wet condition. The ancient Egyptians sails to and fro the Nile, carrying slabs of stone weighting several tons, using the strength of their sails spinning from Egyptian cotton, exceptionally long up to 40 mm, strong enough for making a good sail. The Aria tribe Dravidian tribes able to make sail strong enough to propel big sips along Indian ocean the gulf Bengal to Indonesian archipelagoes, big enough to carry peasants and soldiers and their working cattles , horses for months voyages ( imagine how many fodders and foods these sailing ships had to carry ), although these ships used balancing bamboo bars parallel along both sides of the ship’s bows, to make it stable.these sailing ships were similar to one of a fresco craved on stone wall of Borobudur temple, These ships had sails weaved the yarn of long fibered cotton variety from arid region surrounded Rajahstan desert, to make a good sail. The ancient Egyptians, created advanced culture, blessed by their ability to crate sails strong enough and light enough to propel sailing ships to and fro the Nile, big enough to carry several tons of slab stones to build their pyramides, because their variety of cotton fiber was long enough to spindle small yarn, strong enough to make a strong fabrics for sails, they had no ambitions to sail along dangerous water beyond Mediterranean Than the inhabitans of lowland Europa begin to master the making fabric woven of flax fiber, strong and light enough to make a big, strong, and light canvase sails, to propel big- man-of-war /sailing ships with multiple guns. Weighted several hundred ton totally. But long before that happened, the Chinese, had no problem in making the needed specifications of large sails, form silk fiber. Therefore there were no size’s limitations of their jung/sailing ships with typically bamboo poles rigging. The armada of admiral Cheng Ho had proven this fenomenal voyages of strength, along the medieval Asia. The attitude of Chinese kingdom was different and more sophisticated than the voyagers of Lowland of European Nations. We Indonesian knew since the beginning that admiral Cheng Ho himself was chinese moslem, and had build a mosque in Surabaya town during his visit of his armada, in 15 th ce Why the native of this archipelago were unable to make a strong big and light sail using the rami fiber ( Bohmeria rami) or abaca fiber ( Musa textilis) ? Why than our ancestor who build a commercial kingdom named Majapahit kingdom based on the strong navy patrolling incessanty the seas, inland coasts and straits along these archipelago to deter sea pirates privateering and looters which were popular amongst the inhabitants of these island ? The fabric’s productions in these region were poor, our fiber culture, cotton was not yielding a long and good fiber until now. The thickness and water absorbtion of cotton fabrics were small in weight increasing rate, so this Majapahit navy was using cotton, In making lateen sails, probable the yarn was mixed of importing long cotton fiber from India with native short native cotton fiber. In fact Majapahit kingdom could maintain its patrolling navy for several millineum. Operating small “Madura”s type of sailing boat which typically agile easy to maneuver, but armed by small guns which was casted by their smelting in miniature foundries beside their “kris” ( a sort of dagger). Buginese sea rovers of South Sulawes iIsland was more fortunate, they are able to make sails of silk, producing this by tending silk moth themselves, since medieval periods. Their sailing ships were bigger and faster, but it did not carry guns. Buginese had no foundry big enough to be able of casting miniature guns ( Malayan named this gun “rantaka” -google) There are enough proves that the nations around the world, able to spin and weave fabrics to make a good sails were roving the world ahead each other, to build up their fortunes. Recently they are competing to weave steel rod in concrete slab, building sky scrapers, waeving the viaducts, tunnels, constructing arck dams, smelting rare amalgam of rare metal and making thread of it, weaving fabrics of semiconductors and manufacturing drams, sophisticated computers, aren’t they ? And arranged molecule of kevlar yarn (google ) to weave bulletproof jacket against terrorist’ bullet and sharpnel. And we are on the side track, sucking our thumb, we are not in. Meanwhile all the powerfuls in the world are uniting to maintain and weave the communications to enable them to control the energy and foodstuffs prices. To make all the nations submit its actual and potential wealth to the MARKET, to be controlled by them, by the principle of neoliberalism But as a small present to console you my countrymen. May I tell you, If advance nations weave informations to dominate market, mastering the stockpiles or energy and foodstuffs, we are the victim of these activities. May be we can weave friendships with equally poor countries once, to trade our food produces with other foodstuff we need but the yield were either failed or it is diffecult to grow, such as garlic, chilli, some time even rice, and soybean with our abundant produces of batatas, cassava flour ( tapioca flour indispensable ingredient of Chinese cuisines) oil palm, and fish catch from our sea coasts and straits. Don’t worry we can make it by barter trading. At last, we can eliminate our lust for corruptions to enable this nation open new arable land for rice, cassava and soybean growing. So we will weave and make fabric of friendships and co-operations with the Moslem's forgotten credo of bimillahirakhnanirrakhim – by the name of God, the most merciful and most compassionate principle. To cooperate together amongst the ¾ World Nations to harness the sails our voyages to limitless other habitable planets or another dimensions of this universe in this limitless cosmos. *) Mungkin kita bisa menunjukkan pada bangsa bangsa lain bahwa kita bisa jadi Khalifah Allah di Bhumi dengan berazaskan bismillahirakhnanirrakhim karena kita sudah mengorbankan hidup dari terlalu banyak saudara saudara kita berkat kebodohan dan kesempitan pandangan kita, yang akhirnya dunia dapat meneima sebagai azas hidup yang alami dan mudah. Karena alam, iklim dan tanah air baik terhadap kita bisa mendidik kita jadi makhluk yang mampu mempraktekkan azas bismillahirakhanirakhim. Betapa alami azas yang sama sama dilupakan oleh kebanyakan bangsa bangsa ini, kita membangun tenunan yang kuat sepanjang zaman dengan azas yang mudah dan alami yaitu bismilahirakmanirakhim dari serat serat perbuatan kita terhadap sesama hidup, sebagai bekal jalan untuk barlayar kekedalaman kosmos dan dimensi lain dari alam raya ini*)

Senin, 05 Januari 2015



 Karno founding father bangsa kita, pernah bercerita, bahwa ketika beliau berkunjung muhibah ke Korea dipemerkan kepada beliau technology yang baru didalami oleh bangsa Korea adalah menenun batu dan memintal dan menenun logam, lama sekali kata kata itu saya ingat. Dari semula kita tahu bahwa bangsa ini piawai dengan kepandaian memintal dan menenun sutra (dari ulat sutera Bambuch mandarina) dan kapas ( Gossypium spp) dari bangsa China berbarengan dengan bangsa Jepang dan mulai mendalami kepandaian ini ribuan tahun yang lalu hampir bersamaan. 
bangsa Arab zaman perkembangan ilmu pengetauan segera sesudah islam emkebarat, dan ke timur dari Spsnjok hingga Lembah sungai Indus, para mester Arab sudah menciptakan Alat Tenun bukan Mesin, yang ditiru orang Europa sesudah perang Salib, zaman renaissance.  Bahkan begitu piawainya konon mereka telah berhasil membuat cangkir teh yang istimewa dari tenunan sutra dan laquer, menganyam baju zirah tali sutera dengan lempengan logam yang enteng namun sangat kuat. Ya kenapa Bung Karno kita terkesan dan menceriterakan itu kapada kita ? Lima puluh tahun sesudah itu mendadak dalam pikiran saya sangat tergoda, bahwa benar, bangsa bangsa di dunia ini dari zamam ke zaman , semenjak mereka masih merunuti evolusi sebagai Phytecanthropus erectus jutaan tahun yang lalu, mempergunakan tangan, jemari tangan dan kaki untuk membuat alat, dengan itu mereka berjuang bersama sama menaklukkan alam liar, antaranya harimau bertaring pedang, bersamaan dengan itu otaknya berkembang timbal balik dengan kepiawaian jari jemarinya menjadi Homo sapient dan layak untuk Adam dan Hawa, memberikan wadag kepada beliau berdua untuk hidup di dunia yang keras ini. Sehingga barang siapa dari Homo sapient ini yang tidak bercampur darah dengan bani Adam, selanjutnya akan punah karena kurang bisa menguasai alam, menguasai nafsunya begitulah pemikiran saya yang menjadikan bathin saya tenteram, disamping tidak mampu membantah theory Darwin yang berdasarkan penelitian yang mendalam, sedang aku hanya salah satu pemerhati ilmu Biology, aku juga pengikut ajaran Islam, jadi aku mengamini dua duanya, sebagai asal usul manusia dengan wadag Homo sapient dan rokh Adam (Ajaran Kiai Kodratullah dari Banten- anggauta MPR tahun 1966-1971) Bangsa Polynesia menganyam daun pandan dijadikan layar perahu katamaran mereka hingga sekarang menaklukkan semudra Pasifik tropis konon ribuan tahun yang lalu, mewarisi kita dengan buah buahan dan umbi umbian yang tersebar sampai keseluruh Nusantara. Alat temali perahunya dipintal dari serat pisang abaca, serat daun lontar yang tahan air laut, dan layarnya dari anyaman daun pandan, yang tidak terlau kuat . Pendek kata katamaran ini bisa tahan berbulan bulan berlayar dilaut. Bangsa Viking melayari samudra Atlantik konon sampai ke Greenland dan Canada dengan perahu Viking yang relatip kecil, saya kira kerena kebisaan mereka menenun sebangsa kain dari pintalan benang wool yang seratnya tidak terlalu panjang sehingga benangnya harus agak tebal karena dipintal dari beberapa puluh serat wool dan layar yang besar akan menganggu keseimbangan perahu yang kecil itu, meskipun kain wool tidak menyerap air, tapi bisa sangat berat bila sebentar saja ketempelan air, kena hujan. Akhirnya bangsa Mesir ribuan tahun yang lalu dan juga bangsa Aria dan Dravida dari India berhasil membuat kain yang kuat dengan bobot ringan basah maupun kering dari kapas Mesir dan kapas tepian gurun Rajahstan yang seratnya panjang hingga 40 mm. Meskipun bangsa Dravida mencampurnya dengan serat kenaf (bahahasa Parsi - google) Hibiscus canabinus ini baru terjadi pada zaman pertengahan. Sehingga perahu mereka tidak besar, karena tidak ada layar yang cocok untuk luasan itu tanpa menganggu keseimbangan perahu. Toh perahu jenis yang dilukis di Borobudur sudah cukup besar untuk pindah ke Nusantara dengan muatan ternak kerja dan petani dari Benggali, walau masih harus bercadik. Sedang bangsa Mesir sudah puas dengan perahu yang tidak begitu besar hilir mudik sepanjang sungai Nil, tanpa keperluan untuk membuat layar yang besar akan tetapi ringan, angin kuat dari gurun telah memanjakannya dengan kain layar dipintal dari serat kapas Mesir yang mencapai 4 cm panjangnya, cukup kuat untuk perahu yang mengangkut balok balok batu piramida setiap balok dengan berat beberapa ton. Nah baru pada zaman pertengahan keahlian memintal dan menenun bangsa yang mendiami dataran rendah anak benua Europa, mempu memintal dan menenun serat flax atau linen ( Linus usitassium- google) cukup kuat dan ringan bila basah suhingga bisa jadi layar pendorong kapal kayu yang berat berat tanpa terlalu membebani keseimbangan perahu perahu besar itu. (Jadi kuat untuk membawa meriam perunggu/besi yang berton- ton beratnya) Kanapa bangsa kita tidak menggunakan serat dari lain tumbuhan pada zaman itu seperti serat rami ( (Bohmeria rami) atau Abaca (Musa textilis)? Yang terang kita tidak punya varietas kapas yang cocok untuk benang yang tipis dan kuat sampai saat ini –( blog ide subagyo – kapas kita) ya alahualam, nyatanya kIta punya armada Majapahit ya sudah menggunakan perahu tipe Madura yang walau kecil tapi sangat lincah (manuvreable). Perahu Bugis yang lebih besar sampai beberapa puluh ton berkat dikuasainya technology membuat kain sutra di Sulawesi Selatan, pada zaman pertengahan. Lain halnya bangsa China, mereka sudah ribuan tahun menguasai technology pembuatan kain sutra yang tipis dan kuat, tidak terlau menyerap uap air, sehingga dapat jadi layar pendorong perahu jung yang berat dan besar, melayari samudra dengan armada besar seperti Laksamana Cheng Ho pada zaman petengahan. Udah cukup bukti bahwa kepandaian memintal dan menenun dari bahan baku yang ada di lingkungannya telah menghantarkan bangsa bangsa di Dunia ini untuk maju mendahului bangsa lain. Sesudah zaman baru bangsa bangsa berlomba menenun baja dan semen menjadi beton pratekan ( pre stressed), bangunan pencakar kangit, kemudian terancam dihancurkan oleh perang nuclear. Kita tidak ikut, gigit jari pipinggiran. Sesudah itu bangsa bangsa berlomba untuk memintal dan menenun logam langka menjadi diode/ semi conductor dan menenunnya jadi computer super canggih, memintal serat kevlar (google) dan menenun rompi jadi anti peluru teroris .Kita tidak ukut. Bersama itu bangsa maju seluruh Dunia berlomba lomba memintal dan menganyam informasi, menciptakan jaringan komunikasi sampai menguasai seluruh dunia dengan neoliberalisme, kita jadi korban naik turunnya konjucture, menguasai jaringan stock pangan dan energy sedunia, karena harus dibeli dengan US dollar. Sebagai hiburan mungkin sesudah kurun waktu kebingungan massal ini, kita bisa menenun persahabatan dengan tetangga kita yang pernah miskin untuk barter bahan pangan dan bahan industry, ndak perlu mengadakan US dollar. Kita bisa bekerja sama dengan bangsa bangsa di dunia ini berusaha memintal dan menenun hidup harmonis dan wajar satu sama lain, mngkin kita bisa berkontribusi, karena kita telah berhasil menaklukkan nafsu kita untuk korupsi, suhingga duit ada untuk membangun sekedarnya, tanpa didasari oleh individualisme hewani perorangan, dan indiviudalisme hewani bangsa Mungkin kita bisa menunjukkan pada bangsa bangsa lain bahwa kita bisa jadi Khalifah Allah di Bhumi dengan berazaskan bismillahirakhnanirrakhim karena kita sudah mengorbankan hidup dari terlalu banyak saudara saudara kita berkat kebodohan dan kesempitan pandangan kita, yang akhirnya dunia dapat menerima sebagai azas hidup yang alami dan mudah. Karena alam, iklim dan tanah air baik terhadap kita bisa mendidik kita jadi makhluk yang mampu mempraktekkan azas bismillahirakhanirakhim. Betapa alami azas yang sama sama dilupakan oleh kebanyakan bangsa bangsa ini, kita membangun tenunan yang kuat sepanjang zaman dengan azas yang mudah dan alami yaitu bismilahirakmanirakhim dari serat serat perbuatan kita terhadap sesama hidup, sebagai bekal jalan untuk barlayar kekedalaman kosmos*)


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